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  • File Name: TRP03.html
    Modified: 20 August 2002
    Title: To the Rural Poor
  • 1 Occurence(s) of the search term concreteDescription:
    From Marx to Mao Lenin Collection ReadingGuide Notes on the Text Below page 560 NOTES   [125] While preparing the pamphlet, To the Rural Poor, Lenin drew up several variants of the plan and individual items for the first variant, as well as plans for separate chapters of the pamphlet (see Lenin Miscellany XIX, p.339-56).     Regarding the aims of the pamphlet, To the Rural Poor, Lenin informed Plekhanov in a letter of March 1903 that he was writing a popular pamphlet for peasants about the agrarian programme, in which he explained the Marxist view of the class struggle in the countryside on the basis of concrete data on the four strata of the village population (landlords, peasant bourgeoisie, middle peasants, and semi-proletarians together with proletarian. page 561     The pamphlet was published in Geneva in May 1903 by the League of Russian Revolutionary Social-Democracy Abroa

  • File Name: TRSD97.html
    Modified: 20 August 2002
    Title: The Tasks of the Russian Social-Democrats
  • 1 Occurence(s) of the search term concreteDescription:
    See present edition, Vo.10). They did not take account of the concrete situation requisite for the victory of an uprising and showed their disdain for ties with the masses, substituting the actions of a clandestine handful of conspirators for the activity of a revolutionary part.   [p.340] From Marx to Mao Lenin Collection Reading Guide

  • File Name: TSCI20.html
    Modified: 20 August 2002
    Title: Theses on Fundamental Tasks of the Comintern
  • 1 Occurence(s) of the search term concreteDescription:
    The third task follows from the first two, and merely requires a skilful, timely and flexible combination of methods of the first and second type, depending on the specific circumstances in each separate instance of vacillatio.     3. In the concrete situation created throughout the world, and above all in the most advanced, powerful, enlightened and free capitalist countries, by militarism, imperialism, the oppression of colonies and weak countries, the world wide imperialist butchery and the "Peace" of Versailles -- in that situation the very idea of the capitalists peacefully submitting to the will of the majority of the exploited, the very idea of a peaceful, reformist transition to socialism, is not merely sheer philistine stupidity but also down right deception of the workers, embellishment of capitalist wage-slavery, and concealment of the trut.That truth consists in the bourgeoisie, even the most enlightened and democratic, no longer hesitating at any fraud or crime, even the massacre of millions of workers and peasants, so as to preserve private ownership of the means of productio

  • File Name: TT05.html
    Modified: 20 August 2002
    Title: Two Tactics of Social-Democracy
  • 14 Occurence(s) of the search term concreteDescription:
    It must also set the other parties an example of strict adherence to its tactical resolutions, in contradistinction to the opportunism of the democratic bourgeoisie of the Osvobozhdeniye and the revolutionary phrasemongering of the Socialist-Revolutionaries, who only during the revolution suddenly thought of coming for ward with a "draft" of a program and of investigating for the first time whether it is a bourgeois revolution that is going on in front of their eye.     That is why we think it a most urgent task of the revolutionary Social-Democrats to study carefully the tactical resolutions of the Third Congress of the Russian Social-Democratic Labour Party and of the Conference, to define what deviations there are in them from the principles of Marxism, and to get a clear understanding of the concrete tasks of the Social-Democratic proletariat in a democratic revolutio.It is to this task that the present pamphlet is devote

  • File Name: TTR17.html
    Modified: 20 August 2002
    Title: The Tasks of the Revolution
  • 1 Occurence(s) of the search term concreteDescription:
    page 61     The experience of the masses, the experience of oppressed classes taught them very, very much in that time; the leaders of the Socialist-Revolutionaries and Mensheviks have completely cut adrift from the masse.This will most certainly be revealed in the discussion of our concrete programme insofar as we are able to bring it to the notice of the masse. AGREEMENTS WITH THE CAPITALISTS ARE DISASTROUS     1. To leave in power the representatives of the bourgeoisie, even a small number of them, to leave in power such notorious Kornilovites as Generals Alexeyev, Klembovsky, Bagration, Gagarin, and others, or such as have proved their complete powerlessness in face of the bourgeoisie, and their ability of acting Bonaparte-fashion like Kerensky, is, on the one hand, merely opening the door wide to famine and the inevitable economic catastrophe which the capitalists are purposely accelerating and intensifying; on the other hand, it will lead to a military catastrophe, since the army hates the General Staff and cannot enthusiastically participate in the imperialist wa

  • File Name: TUTB21.html
    Modified: 20 August 2002
    Title: Once Again on the Trade Unions
  • 9 Occurence(s) of the search term concreteDescription:
    This picture is wrong, because the only formulation of the issue (which the Marxist standpoint allows ) is: without a correct political approach to the matter the given class will be unable to stay on top, and, consequently, will be incapable of solving its production problem eithe.     Let us take a concrete exampl.Zinoviev says: "By carrying things to a split within the trade unions, you are making a political mistak

  • File Name: TUTM20.html
    Modified: 20 August 2002
    Title: The Trade Unions and Trotsky's Mistakes
  • 1 Occurence(s) of the search term concreteDescription:
    The workers are also materialists; if you say shock work, they say, let's have the bread, and the clothes, and the bee.That is the view we now take, and have always taken, in discussing these questions time without number with reference to various concrete matters in the Council of Defence,[7] when one would say: "I'm doing shock work", and would clamour for boots, and another: "I get the boots, otherwise your shock workers won't hold out, and all your priority will fizzle ou.     We find, therefore, that in the theses the approach to equalisation and priority is basically wron

  • File Name: TW10.html
    Modified: 20 August 2002
    Title: Two Worlds
  • 1 Occurence(s) of the search term concreteDescription:
    Why the very admission that this could affront me, would show me to be unstable in my socialist conviction.     And Bebel tried to drive Social-Democratic views into Frank's head by concrete example.We could not be "affronted", Bebel told Frank, by the Anti-Socialist Law; we were filled with anger and hatred, "and if it had been in our power at that time, we would have flung ourselves into battle, as we were longing to do heart and soul, we would have smashed to smithereens everything that stood in our path" (here the verbatim report records loud cries of approval ). "We would have been traitors to our cause not to have done so" (Hear, hea

  • File Name: TWLU11.html
    Modified: 20 August 2002
    Title: Those Who Would Liquidate Us
  • 6 Occurence(s) of the search term concreteDescription:
    Certainly, no one can even seriously think of denying the connection between the "answer" which I outlined above (to the question of the economics and politics of the present period) and anti-liquidationis.     Let us now turn from the general principles involved in the presentation of the question to its concrete historical aspec.That trend in Marxism which advocates the necessity     * i.e., the Part

  • File Name: TXK21.html
    Modified: 20 August 2002
    Title: The Tax in Kind
  • 4 Occurence(s) of the search term concreteDescription:
        In the second place there is nothing terrible in it for the Soviet power, for the Soviet state is a state in which the power of the workers and thc poor is assure.. . . *     * * page 334     To make things even clearer, let us first of all take the most concrete example of state capitalis.Everybody knows what this example i

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