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1662 File(s) Searched 202 Match(es) Found

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  • File Name: APSD02.html
    Modified: 20 August 2002
    Title: The Agrarian Programme of Russian Social-Democracy
  • 9 Occurence(s) of the search term concreteDescription:
    The emancipation of the workers must be the act of the working class itself," and for this reason Social-Democracy represents -- directly and wholly -- the interests of the proletariat alone, and seeks indissoluble organic unity with its class movement alon.All the other classes of present-day society stand for the preservation of the foundations of the existing economic system, and that is why Social-Democracy can undertake to defend the interests of those classes only under certain circumstances and on concrete and strictly defined condition.For instance, in its struggle against the bourgeoisie, the class of small producers, including the small farmers, is a reactionary class, and therefore "trying to save the peasantry by protecting small-scale farming and small holdings from the onslaught of capitalism would be a useless retarding of social development; it would mean deceiving the peasantry with illusions of the possibility of prosperity even under capitalism; it would mean disuniting the labouring classes and creating a privileged position for the minority at the expense of the majority" (Iskra, N

  • File Name: APSD08.html
    Modified: 20 August 2002
    Title: Agrarian Programme of S.-D. in Russian Revolution
  • 1 Occurence(s) of the search term concreteDescription:
    Marxists have to argue quite differently: so long as the latifundia are not abolished, a rapid development of the productive forces is impossible, either in the centre or in the colonies (in Russia's borderland.  page 162 insufficiently concrete idea of what the type of capitalist agrarian revolution in Russia can b.And this mistake was repeated by the Mensheviks, who were victorious at the Stockholm Congress, and gave the Party a programme of municipalisatio

  • File Name: AQCM01.html
    Modified: 20 August 2002
    Title: The Agrarian Question and the "Critics of Marx"
  • 3 Occurence(s) of the search term concreteDescription:
    It is not surprising that M.Bulgakov chides Hertz for being "too closely tied to the opinion of his party" (II, 287). The Russian professor, of course, is above such degrading "ties" and proudly declares: "I am sufficiently free from the prejudice so widespread -- particularly in Marxist literature -- according to which every machine must be regarded as progress" (I, 48). Unfortunately, the flight of imagination revealed in this magnificent piece of reasoning finds no correspondence in concrete conclusion."The steam threshing-machine," writes M

  • File Name: AQR08.html
    Modified: 20 August 2002
    Title: The Agrarian Question in Russia
  • 5 Occurence(s) of the search term concreteDescription:
    Everywhere there emerge in the village communes well-to-do households, which always constitute an insignificant minority and always organise capitalist farming with the aid of entrepreneur renting of lan.For this reason general phrases about subsistence and capitalist renting can do nothing to clear up questions relating to our peasant farming; a study must be made of the concrete facts regarding the development of feudal features in the renting of land, and regarding the formation of capitalist relations within this very renting of lan.     We quoted figures above showing what ratios of the population and of allotment land are accounted for by the most well-to-do peasant households, comprising 20 per cent of the tota

  • File Name: ATBP07.html
    Modified: 20 August 2002
    Title: The Attitude Towards Bourgeois Parties
  • 2 Occurence(s) of the search term concreteDescription:
        Prior to the Stockholm Unity Congress in 1906, the Bolsheviks and the Mensheviks put forward two substantially different resolutions on bourgeois partie.The Bolshevik resolution in its entirety was imbued with the basic idea of the treachery of liberalism and of a revolutionary-demo-  page 493 cratic dictatorship of the proletariat and the peasantry, merely providing fresh illustrations to this idea in the form of the facts and events of the post-October period (the split between the Octobrists and the Cadets; the formation of the Peasant Union and radical associations of intellectuals, etc.). The Bolsheviks analysed the class content of the basic types of bourgeois parties and filled out, so to say, the skeleton of their old abstract scheme, with concrete dat.In their resolution for the Stockholm Congress, the Mensheviks refused to analyse the class content of various parties, on the grounds of their "instabilit

  • File Name: ATGCS05.html
    Modified: 20 August 2002
    Title: Argue About Tactics, But Give Clear Slogans!
  • 2 Occurence(s) of the search term concreteDescription:
    A line of conduct can and should be grounded in theory, in historical references, in an analysis of the entire political situation, et.But in all these discussions the party of a class engaged in a struggle should never lose sight of the need for absolutely clear answers -- which do not permit of a double interpretation -- to concrete questions of our political conduct: "yes" or "n.Should this or that be done right now, at the given moment, or should it not be don

  • File Name: BIMS14.html
    Modified: 20 August 2002
    Title: Bourgeois Intelligentsia's Methods of Struggle
  • 1 Occurence(s) of the search term concreteDescription:
        We shall see what the workers will decid.     For the sake of illustration, we shall take a concrete cas.When the leading body, which is recognised by four-fifths  page 480 of the class-conscious workers of Russia, declared that it had investigated the rumours and was absolutely convinced that they were utterly absurd (if not worse), two groups made statements in the press: (1) the group of Chkheidze, Chkhenkeli, Skobelev, Khaustov, Tulyakov, Mankov and Jagiello; (2) the August bloc people, i.e., the leading August body of the liquidator

  • File Name: BPSP17.html
    Modified: 20 August 2002
    Title: Bourgeois Pacifism and Socialist Pacifism
  • 5 Occurence(s) of the search term concreteDescription:
        We shall examine these political slogans and arguments of Kautsky and his associates as closely as possibl. page 80     In a matter that affects Russia, i.e., the imperialist rival of Germany, Kautsky advances, not abstract, not "general," but a very concrete, precise and definite demand: Constantinople must not be given to Russi.By that he exposes the real imperialist designs . . . of Russi

  • File Name: BSP17.html
    Modified: 20 August 2002
    Title: Can the Bolshevicks Retain State Power?
  • 2 Occurence(s) of the search term concreteDescription:
    The extract we quoted shows, among other things, how utterly wrong it would be to say, "Watch out, comrades, for what the enemy advises must certainly be bad", thinking that Rech is "provoking" the Bolsheviks to take powe.If, instead of weighing up the general and concrete considerations in a practical way, we allow ourselves to be "persuaded" by the plea that the bourgeoisie are "provoking" us to take power, we shall be fooled by the bourgeoisie, for the latter will of course always maliciously prophesy millions of disasters that will result from the Bolsheviks taking power and will always maliciously shout, "It would be better to get rid of the Bolsheviks at one blow and 'for many a year' by allowing them to take power and then crushing the.These cries are also "provocation", if you will, but from a different angl

  • File Name: CAQ12.html
    Modified: 20 August 2002
    Title: The Cadets and the Agrarian Question
  • 1 Occurence(s) of the search term concreteDescription:
    Berezovsky gave a clear answer to the burning question, in speaking to the Third Duma diehard.Listen to what he said next:     "In view of this, that general concrete work on the spot would, of course, bring to light both the amount of land 'available ' [listen to this!] for alienation and the amount of land required for the peasants [required for wha.Would it be for performing service

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