File Name: ZC04.html Modified: 20 August 2002 Title: The Zemstvo Campaign and "Iskra"'s Plan 3 Occurence(s) of the search term concreteDescription:
. . . The active demonstrators must be "imbued with an understanding of the fundamental difference between an ordinary demonstration against the police or the government in general, and a demonstration immediately designed to further the struggle against absolutism, through direct pressure by the revolutionary proletariat on the political tactics [indeed!] of the liberal elements at the present [italicised by the editors] momen.. . . To organise demonstrations of the ordinary, so to speak, general-democratic [!!] type, not aiming directly at a concrete counterposing of the revolutionary proletariat and the liberal bourgeois opposition as two independent political forces, the mere existence of strong political ferment among the masses is sufficien.. . . Our Party must utilise this mood of the masses even for such, so to say, a lower type [note that!] of their mobilisation against absolutis