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Case: Insensitive  Construct: As a phrase  Hits Per Page: 10

Terms: concrete

1662 File(s) Searched 202 Match(es) Found

Match(es) 201 to 202

  • File Name: WPP01.html
    Modified: 20 August 2002
    Title: The Workers' Party and the Peasantry
  • 1 Occurence(s) of the search term concreteDescription:
    The most common facts in the life of any Russian village provide a thousand issues for agitation in behalf of the above demand.This agitation must be based upon the local, concrete, and most pressing needs of the peasantry; yet it must not be confined to these needs, but must be steadily directed towards widening the outlook of the peasants, towards developing their political consciousnes.The peasants must be brought to understand the special positions occupied in the state by the landlords and the peasants respectively, and they must be taught that the only way to free the countryside from tyrannical oppression is to convene an assembly of representatives of the people and to overthrow the arbitrary rule of the ofrlcial

  • File Name: ZC04.html
    Modified: 20 August 2002
    Title: The Zemstvo Campaign and "Iskra"'s Plan
  • 3 Occurence(s) of the search term concreteDescription:
        . . . The active demonstrators must be "imbued with an understanding of the fundamental difference between an ordinary demonstration against the police or the government in general, and a demonstration immediately designed to further the struggle against absolutism, through direct pressure by the revolutionary proletariat on the political tactics [indeed!] of the liberal elements at the present [italicised by the editors] momen.. . . To organise demonstrations of the ordinary, so to speak, general-democratic [!!] type, not aiming directly at a concrete counterposing of the revolutionary proletariat and the liberal bourgeois opposition as two independent political forces, the mere existence of strong political ferment among the masses is sufficien.. . . Our Party must utilise this mood of the masses even for such, so to say, a lower type [note that!] of their mobilisation against absolutis

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