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1662 File(s) Searched 202 Match(es) Found

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  • File Name: CDP03.html
    Modified: 20 August 2002
    Title: Reply to Criticism of Our Draft Programme
  • 1 Occurence(s) of the search term concreteDescription:
    On the contrary, our formulation, while it does not link up the basic demand with the form of its realisation, nevertheless envisages a strictly definite application of sums received from such realisatio.When Comrade X says that "the Social-Democratic Party cannot undertake in advance to decide in what concrete form the popular representative body will utilise the land which it will have at its command," he is confusing two different things: the method of realising (in other words: "the form of utilising") this land and the application of the sums received from this realisatio.By leaving the question of the application of these-sums absolutely indefinite and tying his hands, even in part, in the question of the method of realisation, Comrade X introduces a double impairment into our draf

  • File Name: CEBP09.html
    Modified: 20 August 2002
    Title: Conference of Extended Editorial Board of "Proletary"
  • 2 Occurence(s) of the search term concreteDescription:
    Neither ultimatumism nor otzovism have yet found expression in any more or less integral "platfor.So ultimatumism must be considered in its only concrete expression -- the demand that the Social-  page 429 Democratic group in the Duma be presented with an ultimatum to act in a strict Party spirit and obey all the instructions of the Party centres, or else give up their mandate.To maintain, however, that such a description of ultimatumism is quite correct and accurate is, apparently, wron

  • File Name: CEFD11.html
    Modified: 20 August 2002
    Title: The Campaign for the Elections to the Fourth Duma
  • 2 Occurence(s) of the search term concreteDescription:
        This fundamental task is the same for working-class democracy in all countrie.And for this very reason its application in the present epoch in one country, in Russia, requires that the special and concrete tasks of our times be taken into consideration for the sake of this general common tas.At the present moment two of these specific tasks of Russian working-class democracy are indissolubly connected and, because of objective conditions, require the greatest attentio

  • File Name: CI17.html
    Modified: 20 August 2002
    Title: Constitutional Illusions
  • 1 Occurence(s) of the search term concreteDescription:
    Another is that the class composition of this majority and the interrelation of classes inside (and outside) it should enable it to draw the chariot of state concertedly and effectivel.Every Marxist knows that these two concrete conditions play a decisive part in the question of a popular majority and of the direction of state affairs in line with the will of the majorit.And yet the political literature of the Socialist-Revolutionaries and Mensheviks, and their political conduct even more so, betray a complete lack of understanding of these condition

  • File Name: CM16.html
    Modified: 20 August 2002
    Title: A Caricature of Marxism and Imperialist Economism
  • 16 Occurence(s) of the search term concreteDescription:
        Our Party resolutions speak of the present war as stemming from the general conditions of the imperialist er.We give a correct Marxist definition of the relation between the "era" and the "present war": Marxism requires a concrete assessment of each separate wa.To understand why an imperialist war, i.e., a war thoroughly reactionary and anti-democratic in its political implications, could, and inevitably did, break out between the Great Powers, many of whom stood at the head of the struggle for democracy in 1789-1871 -- to understand this we must understand the general conditions of the imperialist era, i.e., the transformation of capitalism in the advanced countries into imperialism.[¥]     Kievsky has flagrantly distorted the relation between the "era" and the "present wa

  • File Name: CNM22.html
    Modified: 20 August 2002
    Title: Conditions for Admiting New Members to the Party
  • 1 Occurence(s) of the search term concreteDescription:
    A slight conflict within this group will be enough, if not to destroy this prestige, at all events to weaken the group to such a degree as to rob it of its power to determine polic.     Hence, it is necessary: 1) to lengthen the probation period for all categories; 2) to define in great detail how the applicant is to pass the probation period; what concrete and practical tests should be applied to determine whether the probation period is really a period of probation and not a mere formaIity; 3) to create a qualified majority on the bodies which decide on the applications of new members; 4) to make it a rule that the decision to admit new members be endorsed, not only by the Gubernia Party Committees, but also by the Control Commissions; 5) to page 258 devise other measures for the purpose of helping the Party to rid itself of those members who are by no means Communists consciously implementing a proletarian polic.I do not propose that a new general purging of the Party be undertaken, because I think at the moment it is impracticable; but I do think it is necessary to find some means of actually purging the Party, i.e., of reducing its membershi

  • File Name: CRNQ13.html
    Modified: 20 August 2002
    Title: Critical Remarks on the National Question
  • 4 Occurence(s) of the search term concreteDescription:
        Here the Bundist[8] M.Liebman rushes into the fray and annihilates me with the following deadly tirade:     "Anyone in the least familiar with the national question knows that international culture is not non-national culture (culture without a national form); non-national culture, which must not be Russian, Jewish, or Polish, but only pure culture, is nonsense, internationai ideas can appeal to the working class only when they are adapted to the language spoken by the worker, and to the concrete national conditions under which he lives; the worker should not be indifferent to the condition and development of his national culture, because page 24 it is through it, and only through it, that he is able to participate in the 'international culture of democracy and of the world working-class movemen.This is well known, but V. I. turns a deaf ear to it al

  • File Name: CSI15.html
    Modified: 20 August 2002
    Title: The Collapse of the Second International
  • 2 Occurence(s) of the search term concreteDescription:
    . . . The police and the military authorities, whose censorship regulations forbid any mention of the class struggle or revolution, have rendered timely aid to the traitors to socialis.     Perhaps the Basle Manifesto is just an empty appeal, which is devoid of any definite content, either historical or tactical, with a direct bearing on the concrete war of toda.     The reverse is tru

  • File Name: DBLP12.html
    Modified: 20 August 2002
    Title: Debates in Britain on Liberal Labour Policy
  • 1 Occurence(s) of the search term concreteDescription:
    Murray's consisted of meaningless commonplaces, quite plausible and at first sight indisputable, but in fact serving to disguise precisely the policy of supporting the Liberal.Had Murray been acquainted with Marx, and had he  page 363 been speaking to people who respected Marxism, he would have thought nothing of sweetening his opportunism with Marxist turns of speech and saying that Marxism demands that all the concrete circumstances of each particular case should be taken into consideration, that we must not tie our hands, that while preserving our independence we "take advantage of conflicts", "seize at the Achilles heel of the contradictions" in the present regime, and so on and so fort.     Opportunism can be expressed in terms of any doctrine you like, including Marxis

  • File Name: DCR99i.html
    Modified: 20 August 2002
    Title: Development of Capitalism in Russia -- Pref. & Ch. 1
  • 3 Occurence(s) of the search term concreteDescription:
        But one must know how to apply i.A concrete analysis of the status and the interests of the different classes must serve as a means of defining the precise significance of this truth when applied to this or that proble.The opposite mode of reasoning frequently met with among the Right-wing Social-Democrats headed by Plekhanov, i.e., the endeavour to look for answers to concrete questions in the simple logical development of the general truth about the basic character of our revolution, is a vulgarisation of Marxism and downright mockery of dialectical materialis

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