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20 August 2002
A Draft Programme of Our Party
1 Occurence(s)
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We think that the working-class party should define the demands made on this point more thoroughly and in greater detail; the party should demand: 1) an eight-hour working day; 2) prohibition of night-work and prohibition of the employment of children under 14 years of age; 3) uninterrupted rest periods, for every worker, of no less than 36 hours a week; 4) extension of factory legislation and the Factory Inspectorate to all branches of industry and agriculture, to government factories, to artisan establishments, and to handicraftsmen working at home; election, by the workers, of assistant inspectors having the same rights as the inspectors; 5) establishment of factory and rural courts for all branches of industry and agriculture, with judges elected from the employers and-the workers in equal numbers; 6) unconditional prohibition everywhere of payment in kind; 7) legislation fixing the responsibility of factory owners for all accidents and maiming of workers, both industrial and agricultural; 8) legislation fixing payment of wages at least once a week in all cases of the hire of workers of all kinds; 9) repeal of all laws violatlng the equality of employers and employees (for example, the laws making factory and farm workers criminally responsible for leaving their work, the laws giving employers greater freedom to cancel hiring agreements than their employees, etc.). (It goes without saying that we are only outlining desirable demands without giving them the final formulation required for the draf.This section of the programme must (in conjunction with the preceding section) provide the basic, guiding principles for agitation, without in any way, of course, hindering agitators in this or that locality, branch page 241 of production, factory, etc., from putting forward demands in a somewhat modified form, demands that are more
or more specifi.In drawing up this section of the programme, we should strive, therefore, to avoid two extremes -- on the one hand, we must not omit any one of the main, basic demands that hold great significance for the entire working class; on the other, we must not go into minute particulars with which it would hardly be rational to load the programm
File Name:
20 August 2002
Draft Theses on Role of Trade Unions Under NEP
1 Occurence(s)
of the search term
    (3) No less important is the participation of the trade unions in all the planning bodies of the proletarian stat.In addition to participating in all cultural and educational activities and in production propaganda, the trade unions must also, on an increasing scale, enlist the working class and the masses of the working people generally for all branches of the work of building up the state economy; they must make them familiar with all aspects of economic life and with all details of industrial operations -- from the procurement of raw materials to the marketing of the product; give them a more and more
understanding of the single state plan of socialist economy and the worker's and peasant's practical interest in its implementatio. page 381     (4) The drawing up of wage rates and scales of supplies, etc., is one of the essential functions of the trade unions in the building of socialism and in their participation in the management of industr
File Name:
20 August 2002
The "Disarmament" Slogan
5 Occurence(s)
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    What is the main distinguishing feature of both these forms of prevailing opportunis.     It is that the
question of the connection between the present war and revolution, and the other
questions of revolution, are hushed up, concealed, or treated with an eye to police prohibition.And this despite the fact that before the war the connection between this impending war and the proletarian revolution was emphasised innumerable times, both unofficially, and officially in the Basle Manifest
File Name:
31 March 2004
Draft Resolution on Soviet Rule in the Ukraine
1 Occurence(s)
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163] [53] On May 18, 1819 the joint meeting of the Ukrainian Central Executive Committee and the Kiev Soviet of Workers' Deputies, trade unions, factory committees and the Kiev Uyezd Congress of Peasant Deputies passed a resolution which stressed the necessity of uniting all the forces of the Soviet Republics for the armed struggle against the enemies of Soviet power and of concentrating material resources at a single centr.The Ukrainian C.E.C. instructed its Presidium to submit a proposal to the All-Russia C.E.C. "to work out
forms for the organisation of a united front of revolutionary struggl.Similar proposals were submitted by the Soviet governments of Latvia, Lithuania and Byelorussi
File Name:
20 August 2002
Draft Theses on the Agrarian Question
1 Occurence(s)
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    4) In the economic sense, one should understand by "middle peasants" those small farmers who, (1) either as owners or tenants, hold plots of land that are also small but, under capitalism, are sufficient not only to provide, as a general rule, a meagre subsistence for the family and the bare minimum needed to maintain the farm, but also produce a certain surplus which may, in good years at least, be converted into capital; (2) quite frequently (for example, one farm out of two or three) resort to the employment of hired labou.A
example of the middle peasants in an advanced capitalist country is provided by the group of farms of five to ten hectares in Germany, in which, according to the census of 1907, the number of farms employing hired labourers is about one-third of the total number of farms in this group.* In France, where the cultivation of special crops is more developed -- for example, grape-growing, which requires a very large amount of labour -- this group probably employs outside hired labour to a somewhat greater exten.     The revolutionary proletariat cannot set itself the task -- at least not in the immediate future or in the initial period of the dictatorship of the proletariat -- of winning over this stratum, but must confine itself to the task of neutralising it, i.e., rendering it neutral in the struggle between the proletariat and the bourgeoisi
File Name:
20 August 2002
Draft Theses on National and Colonial Questions
2 Occurence(s)
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31, p.144-51. Translated from the Russian Edited by Julius Katzer Prepared © for the Internet by David J. Romagnolo, (July 1997) page 144 PRELIMINARY DRAFT THESES ON THE NATIONAL AND THE COLONIAL QUESTIONS[51] FOR THE SECOND CONGRESS OF THE COMMUNIST INTERNATIONAL     In submitting for discussion by the Second Congress of the Communist International the following draft theses on the national and the colonial questions I would request all comrades, especially those who possess
information on any of these very complex problems, to let me have their opinions, amendments, addenda and
remarks in the most concise form (no mree than two or three pages ), particularly on the following points: Austrian experience; Polish-Jewish and Ukrainian experience; Alsace-Lorraine and Belgium; Ireland; Danish-German, Italo-French and Italo-Slav relations; Balkan experience; Eastern peoples; The struggle against Pan-Islamism; Relations in the Caucasus; The Bashkir and Tatar Republics; Kirghizia; Turkestan, its experience; Negroes in America; Colonies; China-Korea-Japa. N. Lenin     June 5, 1920 page 145     1) An abstract or formal posing of the problem of equality in general and national equality in particular is in the very nature of bourgeois democrac
File Name:
20 August 2002
Disruption of Unity Under Cover of Outcries for Unity
5 Occurence(s)
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Which perio.From 1903 to 1911.     To explain the nature of this group-division more clearly we must recall the
conditions that existed in, say, 1906-07. At that time the Party was united, there was no split, but group-division existed, i.e., in the united Party there were virtually two groups, two virtually separate organisation.The local workers' organisations were united, but on every important issue the two groups devised two sets of tactic
File Name:
31 March 2004
Eighth All-Russia Conference of R.C.P.(B.)
1 Occurence(s)
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M. F. Vladimirsky made a report on this subject on behalf of the C.C., R.C.P.(B.) and T. V. Sapronov delivered a co-repor.Vladimirsky summed up the results in organising the Soviet state and submitted
proposals for amending the Constitution of the R.S.F.S.R. Sapronov, Osinsky and their adherents opposed the C.C. line; they rejected one-man management and demanded preservation of "the unlimited corporate principl.This group of opportunists tried to impose their views on the Conference which would have undermined centralism and the leading role of the Party in the Soviet
File Name:
20 August 2002
Eighth Congress of the R.C.P.(B.)
7 Occurence(s)
of the search term
We, however, acted in conformity with the tenets of Marxis.At the same time, the political activities of the Central Committee in each
case were determined entirely by what was absolutely indispensabl.We were often obliged to feel our wa
File Name:
20 August 2002
Eleventh Congress of the R.C.P.(B.)
2 Occurence(s)
of the search term
    I should now like to give two practical examples to illustrate how we administe.I have said already that it would be more correct to take one of the state trusts as an example, but I must ask you to excuse me for not being able to apply this proper method, for to do so it would have been necessary to study the
material concerning at least one state trus.Unfortunately, I have been unable to do that, and so I will take two small example
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