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Terms: faction

1662 File(s) Searched 62 Match(es) Found

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  • File Name: CRNQ13.html
    Modified: 20 August 2002
    Title: Critical Remarks on the National Question
  • 3 Occurence(s) of the search term factionDescription:
    Some of these groups eventually joined the revolutionary wing of the Polish working-class movemen.     In 1906 the party split up into the P.S.P. Left-wing and the Right, chauvinist wing (the so-called "revolutionary faction") Under the influence of the Bolsheviks and the Social-Democratic Party of Poland and Lithuania, the Left wing gradually adoptsd a consistent revolutionary stan.     During the First World War some of the P.S.P. Left-wing adopted an internationalist stan

  • File Name: CSD10.html
    Modified: 20 August 2002
    Title: How Certain S.D. Inform the International About R.S.D.L.P. Affairs
  • 1 Occurence(s) of the search term factionDescription:
    You are not mistaken, of cours.  page 285 Yes, it is the "non-factional" Comrade Trotsky, who has no compunction about openly advertising his faction's propaganda shee.He provides the insufficiently informed German readers with the same appraisal of the policy of the Party majority as that made by the liquidators.[*]     Another literateur, R. Streltsov, set out to libel our Party in the organ of the German revisionist

  • File Name: DELM10.html
    Modified: 20 August 2002
    Title: Differences in the European Labour Movement
  • 1 Occurence(s) of the search term factionDescription:
    Zvezda prepared the way for the publication of the Bolshevik daily newspaper Pravda and was closed down on the day that Pravda appeare.    [p.347]   [132] The "Young " faction -- a petty-bourgeois semi-anarchist group formed in the German Social-Democratic Party in 1890 and composed chiefly of undergraduate students and young writers (hence the nam.It put forward a platform that rejected any Social-Democratic participation in parliamen

  • File Name: DU14.html
    Modified: 20 August 2002
    Title: Disruption of Unity Under Cover of Outcries for Unity
  • 2 Occurence(s) of the search term factionDescription:
    page 331     And that fact proves that we were right in calling Trotsky a representative of the "worst remnante of factionalis.     Although he claims to be non-factional, Trotsky is known to everybody who is in the least familiar with the working-class movement in Russia as the representative of "Trotsky's faction ". Here we have group-division, for we see two essential symptoms of it: (1) nominal recognition of unity and (2) group segregation in fac.Here there are remnants of group-division, for there is no evidence whatever of any real connection with the mass working-class movement in Russi

  • File Name: EC22.html
    Modified: 20 August 2002
    Title: Eleventh Congress of the R.C.P.(B.)
  • 1 Occurence(s) of the search term factionDescription:
    237-42.  [Transcriber's Note: See Lenin's communication "To Comrade Molotov for the Members of the Politcal Bureau Re Comrade Preobrazhensky's These.-- DJR]    [p.321]   [96] This anti-Party statement was sent on February 26, 1922 to the Presidium of the Extended Plenary Meeting of the Comintern Executive Committee by a group of members of the former Workers' Opposition (A. G. Shlyapnikov, S. P. Medvedyev, A. M. Kollontai, G. I. Myasnikov and others, which continued to exist as a faction despite the resolution "On Party Unity" passed by the Tenth Congress of the R.C.P.(B.). The statement claimed that "matters were unsatisfactory with regard to a united front in our country", that the leading Party bodies were ignoring the requirements and interests of the workers and that a split was impending in the Part.     The Comintern Executive Committee appointed a commission consisting of Clara Zetkin, Marcel Cachin, Jacob Friis, Vasil Kolarov, Karl Krejbich, Umberto Terracini and Arthur McManus to look into the Statement of the Twenty-Tw

  • File Name: ER97.html
    Modified: 20 August 2002
    Title: A Characterisation of Economic Romanticism
  • 1 Occurence(s) of the search term factionDescription:
    We do not want to say that they are wron.But it is a question of fact, a question concerning the present historical moment, a question as to which faction of the entrepreneurs expresses the more general interests of the development of capitalis.Even if the Narodniks are right, it is certainly not because the imposition of customs duties signifies  page 198 "artificial" "support for capitalism," whereas the lifting of such duties signifies support for an "age-old" people's industry, but simply because the development of agricultural capitalism (which needs machines), by accelerating the extinction of medieval relationships in the rural districts and the creation of a home market for industry, signifies a wider, freer and more rapid development of capitalism in genera

  • File Name: HMPS10.html
    Modified: 20 August 2002
    Title: Inner-Party Struggle in Ruusia
  • 14 Occurence(s) of the search term factionDescription:
    It is equally untrue to say that boycottism runs through the whole history of Bolshevism; Bolshevism as a tendency took definite shape in the spring and summer of 1905, before the question of the boycott first came u.In August 1906, in the official organ of the faction, Bolshevism declared that the historical conditions which made the boycott necessary had passed.[*]     Trotsky distorts Bolshevism, because he has never been able to form any definite views on the role of the proletariat in the Russian bourgeois revolutio.     But far worse is the distortion of the history of this revolutio

  • File Name: ISBL13.html
    Modified: 20 August 2002
    Title: International Socialist Bureau and Liquidators
  • 3 Occurence(s) of the search term factionDescription:
    Some of these groups eventually joined the revolutionary wing of the Polish working-class movemen.     In 1906 the party split up into the P.S.P. Left-wing and the Right, chauvinist wing (the so-called "revolutionary faction") Under the influence of the Bolsheviks and the Social-Democratic Party of Poland and Lithuania, the Left wing gradually adopted a consistent revolutionary stan.     During the First World War some of the P.S.P. Left-wing adopted an internationalist stan

  • File Name: ISCS07a.html
    Modified: 20 August 2002
    Title: The International Socialist Congress in Stuttgart [a]
  • 1 Occurence(s) of the search term factionDescription:
    Of course, this may be only a temporary phenomenon, but the evil must nonetheless be clearly realised and its causes understood in order to be able to rally the proletariat of all countries for the struggle against such opportunis.This struggle is bound to be victorious, since the "privileged" nations are a diminishing faction of the capitalist nation.     There were practically no differences at the Congress on the question of women's suffrag

  • File Name: ISS16.html
    Modified: 20 August 2002
    Title: Imperialism and the Split in Socialism
  • 3 Occurence(s) of the search term factionDescription:
        The fact is that "bourgeois labour parties", as a political phenomenon, have already been formed in all the foremost capitalist countries, and that unless a determined and relentless struggle is waged all along the line against these parties -- or groups, trends, etc., it is all the same -- there can be no question of a struggle against imperialism, or of Marxism, or of a socialist labour movemen.The Chkheidze faction,[58] Nashe Dyelo and Golos Truda[59] in Russia, and the O. C. supporters abroad are nothing but     * I recently read an article in an English magazine by a Tory, a political opponent of Lloyd George, entitled "LIoyd George from the Standpoint of a Tor.The war opened the eyes of this opponent and made him realise what an excellent servant of the bourgeoisie this Lloyd George i

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