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Terms: faction

1662 File(s) Searched 62 Match(es) Found

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  • File Name: NFC11.html
    Modified: 20 August 2002
    Title: The New Faction of Conciliators, or the Virtuous
  • 24 Occurence(s) of the search term factionDescription:
    273] From Marx to Mao Lenin Collection Reading Guide . The New faction of Conciliators, or the Virtuous V. I. Lenin THE NEW faction OF CONCILIATORS, OR THE VIRTUOUS   Sotsial-Demokrat, N.24, October 18 (31), 1911 Signed: N. Lenin Published according to the Sotsial-Demokrat text  From V. I. Lenin, Collected Works, 4th English Edition, Progress Publishers, Moscow, 1968 First printing 1963 Second printing 1968 Vo

  • File Name: NP10.html
    Modified: 20 August 2002
    Title: Notes of a Publicist
  • 9 Occurence(s) of the search term factionDescription:
    And Gorky is undoubtedly the greatest representative of proletarian art, one who has done a great deal for this art and is capable of doing still more in the futur.Any faction of the Social-Democratic Party would be justly proud of having Gorky as a member, but to introduce "proletarian art" into the platform on this ground means giving this platform a certificate of poverty, means reducing one's group to a literary circle, which exposes itself as being precisely "authoritaria.. . . The authors of the platform say a great deal against recognising authorities, without explaining directly what it is all abou

  • File Name: NPAHM22.html
    Modified: 20 August 2002
    Title: Notes of a Publicist. Ascending a High Mountain
  • 1 Occurence(s) of the search term factionDescription:
       [.210]   [57] In the Reichstag on August 4, 1914, the Social-Democratic faction voted with the bourgeois representatives in favour of granting the imperial government war credits amounting to 5,000 million marks, thereby approving Wilhelm II's imperialist polic.    [

  • File Name: NTOM21.html
    Modified: 20 August 2002
    Title: New Times and Old Mistakes in a New Guise
  • 1 Occurence(s) of the search term factionDescription:
    The C.W.P.G. found itself outside the Comintern and subsequently degenerated into an insignificant sectarian group that had no proletarian support whatever and was hostile to the working class of German.    [p.21]   [5] The Workers' Opposition was an anti-Party faction formed in the Russian Communist Party in 1920 by Shlyapnikov, Medvedyev, Kollontai and other.It took final shape during the debates on the role of the trade unions in 1920-21. Actually there was nothing of the working class about this opposition, which expressed the mood and aspirations of the petty bourgeoisi

  • File Name: OLBS17.html
    Modified: 20 August 2002
    Title: Open Letter to Boris Souvarine
  • 2 Occurence(s) of the search term factionDescription:
    Martov and Axelrod have protested and advocated non-participation in the committee.But they have not broken with their party, one faction of which has turned chauvinist and accepts participatio.That is why at Kienthal we reproached Martov with having wanted to represent the Organising Committee as a whole, whereas in fact he can represent only one of its two faction

  • File Name: OLCN17.html
    Modified: 20 August 2002
    Title: Open Letter to Charles Naine
  • 1 Occurence(s) of the search term factionDescription:
    Their only crime is that they are opposed to postponing the congres.And if scandal-mongers say that only the Zimmerwald Left, acting as a separate faction, is opposed to the postponement of the congress, "opposed to His Majesty Grimm" in general, has not January 7, 1917 proved that this is nothing but idle gossi.Have not you, Comrade Naine, spoken in opposition to Grimm, although you have never, either directly or indirectly, formally or informally, adhered to the Zimmerwald Lef

  • File Name: PAV07.html
    Modified: 20 August 2002
    Title: Plekhanov and Vasilyev
  • 1 Occurence(s) of the search term factionDescription:
    In actual fact, Plekhanov wrote in Tovarishch not as a member of the Party, not as a member of one of the Party organisation.This is a fact which cannot be explained away by any sophistry; and no "hushing up" of this fact by the Menshevik Central Committee can save a certain faction in our Part.In fact, Plekhanov wrote exactly as Larin wrote, as a non-party socialist in a non-party "socialist" organ; and he put forward a non-party, non-socialist and even anti-socialist proposa

  • File Name: PCC17.html
    Modified: 20 August 2002
    Title: The Petrograd City Conference of the R.S.D.L.P.(B.)
  • 1 Occurence(s) of the search term factionDescription:
    Pravda N.46, May 15 (2), 1917   Published according to the text of the typewritten copy of the Minutes verified with the text of Pravda page 159 7 DRAFT RESOLUTION ON THE ATTITUDE TOWARDS THE PARTIES OF THE SOCIALIST-REVOLUTIONARIES, THE MENSHEVIK SOCIAL-DEMOCRATS, THE "NON-faction"SOCIAL-DEMOCRATS AND OTHER KINDRED POLITICAL TRENDS     Taking into consideration:     (1)  that the parties of the Socialist-Revolutionaries, Menshevik Social-Democrats, etc., have, in the great majority of cases, adopted the stand of "revolutionary defencism" and voted for the loan, that is, in support of the imperialist war waged by the imperialist government of the capitalists -- Guchkov, Lvov and Co.;     (2)  that these parties are supporting the Provisional Government, which represents the interests of Capital and which has taken a counter-revolutionary stand in domestic as well as foreign policy;     (3)  that these parties have allowed themselves to be deceived by the capitalists, and, in their turn, are deceiving the people with false hopes of being able, by means of "demands" and "control" of the Provisional Government, and without wielding state power, to change the class nature of the government of the capitalists and wean it away from the imperialist policy now needed by the capitalists and from counter-revolutionary attempts against liberty;     (4)  that the resultant attempt to obscure the class-consciousness of the proletarians and semi-proletarians, which these parties are encouraging, is, in view of the general attitude of unreasoning trust on the part of the masses towards the capitalists, who are now acting chiefly by deception and flattery, the principal reason for the revolution page 160 hanging fire and for its possible defeat by the forces of the landowner and bourgeois counter-revolution, the Conference resolves that:     (1)  the voting in favour of the loan and advocacy of revolutionary defencism in general be considered a gross betrayal of socialism, of the proletarian class struggle and of the principles of internationalism, i.e., the fraternal union of the workers of all countries against the capitalists of all countries;     (2)  the above-named parties be considered as acting in the interests and upholding the point of view of the petty bourgeoisie and corrupting the proletariat with bourgeois influence;     (3)  unity with parties, as a whole, which are pursuing a policy of support for the Provisional Government, are advocating revolutionary defencism, etc., be considered absolutely impossible in view of the fact that these parties have abandoned the proletarian class position for a petty bourgeois position;     (4)  in regard to certain local groups of workers who are aligned with the Mensheviks, etc., but who strive to uphold the position of internationalism against "revolutionary defencism" and against voting for the loan, etc., the policy of our Party should be to support such workers and groups, to seek closer relations with them, and support unity with them on the basis of a definite break with the petty-bourgeois betrayal of socialis. First published in 1925 in the book The Petrograd City and the All-Russia Conferences of the R.S.D.L.P. (Bolsheviks), April 1917 Published according to the typewritten copy of the Minutes  page 161 8 DRAFT RESOLUTION ON THE WAR I     The present war is, on the part of both groups of the belligerent powers, an imperialist war, i.e., one waged by the capitalists for world domination, for division of the capitalists' spoils, for profitable markets for finance and banking capital, and for the subjugation of the weaker nationalitie

  • File Name: PCS09.html
    Modified: 20 August 2002
    Title: To Pupils of the Capri School
  • 1 Occurence(s) of the search term factionDescription:

  • File Name: PTY07.html
    Modified: 20 August 2002
  • 3 Occurence(s) of the search term factionDescription:
    "Economism", as a distinct trend in Social-Democratic activities in 1897 and subsequent years, virtually implemented the programme set forth in the bourgeois-liberal "Credo ": economic struggle for the workers, political struggle for the liberal.Menshevism is not only a literary trend, not only a tendency in Social-Democratic activity, but a close-knit faction, which during the first period of the Russian revolution (1905-07) pursued its own distinct po]icy -- a policy which in practice subordinated the proletariat to bourgeois liberalism.**     * See present edition, Vo.10, pp 199-276. --E

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