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Terms: differences european labour movement

1662 File(s) Searched 108 Match(es) Found

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  • File Name: BIMS14.html
    Modified: 20 August 2002
    Title: Bourgeois Intelligentsia's Methods of Struggle
  • 8 occurence(s) of the search term differences
  • 2 occurence(s) of the search term european
  • 9 occurence(s) of the search term labour
  • 20 occurence(s) of the search term movement Description:
    It is to these that we intend to draw our readers' attention in the present article on certain topical events that have occurred on the fringe of the working-class movemen.455-86. Translated from the Russian by Bernard Isaacs and Joe Fineberg Edited by Julius Katzer Prepared © for the Internet by David J. Romagnolo, (December 2001)  page 455 THE BOURGEOIS INTELLIGENTSIA'S METHODS OF STRUGGLE AGAINST THE WORKERS     In all capitalist countries throughout the world, the bourgeoisie resorts to two methods in its struggle against the working-class movement and the workers' partie.In history this constantly happens to individuals, groups and trends that do not realise what they really stand for, i.e., fail to understand which class they really (and not in their imagination) gravitate toward

  • File Name: CDP03.html
    Modified: 20 August 2002
    Title: Reply to Criticism of Our Draft Programme
  • 1 occurence(s) of the search term differences
  • 1 occurence(s) of the search term european
  • 16 occurence(s) of the search term labour
  • 2 occurence(s) of the search term movement Description:
    The restitution of the cut-off lands will raise the peasants' standard of living, expand the home market, increase the demand for wage-workers in the towns, and likewise the demand for wage-labourers among the rich peasants and landlords, who lose a certain mainstay of the labour-rent system of farmin.     The author's principal objection boils down to the following: "it is hardly provable" that the cut-off lands are the principal basis of the labour-rent system, since the size of page 441 these cut-off lands depended on whether the serf peasants were quit-rent peasants, and hence had much land, or corvée peasants, and hence had little lan. page 449 ing of capitalism," that is an altogether queer objectio

  • File Name: CEBP09.html
    Modified: 20 August 2002
    Title: Conference of Extended Editorial Board of "Proletary"
  • 2 occurence(s) of the search term differences
  • 1 occurence(s) of the search term european
  • 9 occurence(s) of the search term labour
  • 7 occurence(s) of the search term movement Description:
    .     Our immediate task is to preserve and consolidate the Russian Social-Democratic labour Part.

  • File Name: CI13.html
    Modified: 20 August 2002
    Title: Controversial Issues
  • 1 occurence(s) of the search term differences
  • 1 occurence(s) of the search term european
  • 2 occurence(s) of the search term labour
  • 18 occurence(s) of the search term movement Description:
    They preach reforms and fear the popular movemen.The opportunists are leading the Party on to a wrong, bourgeois path, the path of a liberal-labour policy, but they do not renounce the Party itself, they do not liquidate i.It is upon this relation of classes that the June Third system has been built up, which gives unlimited power to the feudal landowners and privileges to the bourgeoisi

  • File Name: CM16.html
    Modified: 20 August 2002
    Title: A Caricature of Marxism and Imperialist Economism
  • 2 occurence(s) of the search term differences
  • 5 occurence(s) of the search term european
  • 14 occurence(s) of the search term labour
  • 21 occurence(s) of the search term movement Description:
    The words "in substance" indicate that we must distinguish between the apparent and the real, between appearance and substance, between the word and the dee.In the early nineties, the victory of Marxism in the revolutionary movement was attended by the emer gence of a caricature of Marxism in the shape of Economism, or "strikeis.And to obviate even the slightest possibility of distorting our views, we added to the resolution a special paragraph on "genuinely national wars", which "took place especially (especially does not mean exclusivel

  • File Name: CSI15.html
    Modified: 20 August 2002
    Title: The Collapse of the Second International
  • 1 occurence(s) of the search term differences
  • 14 occurence(s) of the search term european
  • 13 occurence(s) of the search term labour
  • 21 occurence(s) of the search term movement Description:
    and a series of articles) has tried to justify his desertion to the camp of the bourgeoisi.The european war of 1914-15 is doubtlessly beginning to do some good by revealing to the advanced class of the civilised countries what a foul and festering abscess has developed within its parties, and what an unbearably putrid stench comes from some sourc.Hopes for a revolution have proved illusory, and it is not page 213 the business of a Marxist to fight for illusions, Cunow argue

  • File Name: DCR99ii.html
    Modified: 20 August 2002
    Title: Development of Capitalism in Russia -- Ch. 2
  • 13 occurence(s) of the search term differences
  • 25 occurence(s) of the search term european
  • 256 occurence(s) of the search term labour
  • 2 occurence(s) of the search term movement Description:
    Almost every work on the economic position of the Russian peasantry in the post-Reform period refers to the so-called "differentiation" of the peasantr.21-607. Translated by Joe Fineberg and by George Hanna Edited by Victor Jerome Prepared © for the Internet by David J. Romagnolo, (November 1997) (Corrected and Updated December 2001) C O N T E N T S [Part 2]   Chapter II. T h e D i f f e r e n t i a t i o n o f t h e  P e a s-              a n t r y .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  . 70 I. Zemstvo Statistics for Novorossia .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  . 70         Economic groups of the peasantry 70-71. -- Commercial agri-culture and the purchase and sale of labour-power 72. -- The topgroup; the concentration of land 72-73, and of animals and imple-ments 73, the higher productivity of labour 74-75. -- M.In the following exposition we employ the statistical data of Zemstvo house-to-house censuses.[40] I. ZEMSTVO STATISTICS FOR NOVOROSSIA[41]     M

  • File Name: DCR99iii.html
    Modified: 20 August 2002
    Title: Development of Capitalism in Russia -- Ch. 3 & 4
  • 6 occurence(s) of the search term differences
  • 50 occurence(s) of the search term european
  • 434 occurence(s) of the search term labour
  • 12 occurence(s) of the search term movement Description:
    Pe-tersburg, Moscow and Yaroslavl gubernias 305-307. -- The hot-house industry 307. -- Industrial melon growing 307-309.-- Suburban farming and its characteristics 309-310. IX.  Conclusions on the Significance of Capitalism in Agri-culture in Russi. .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  . 193   The remnants of the old system after the Reform 193-194. --The labour-service and the capitalist systems 194-195; theirrelative incidence 195-197. -- The transition from the labour-service system to the capitalist 197-198. III. Description of the labour-Service System .  .  .  .  .  . 198   Types of labour-service 198-199. -- Rentings in kind andtheir significance 199-200. -- The payment of labour under la-bour-service 201-203. -- Personal dependence under labour-service 203-204. -- General estimation of labour-service 204- 205. IV. The Decline of the labour-Service System .  .  .  .  .  . 205   Two types of labour-service 205-206. -- The significance ofthe differentiation of the peasantry 206-208. -- View of M."TheFreeing of Winter Time" .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  . 318   The narrow and stereotyped character of this theory 318. --Its omission of highly important aspects of the process 318-323. XI.   Continuatio

  • File Name: DCR99iv.html
    Modified: 20 August 2002
    Title: Development of Capitalism in Russia -- Ch. 5 & 6
  • 8 occurence(s) of the search term differences
  • 1 occurence(s) of the search term european
  • 168 occurence(s) of the search term labour
  • 3 occurence(s) of the search term movement Description:
    A certain percentage of the rural population consists of specialist-artisans engaged (sometimes exclusively, sometimes in conjunction with agriculture) in tanning, boot-making, tailoring, blacksmithery, dyeing of homespun fabrics, finishing of peasant-made woollens, flour-milling, et. .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  344   Presentation of the problem 344. -- The method of processingthe data 344-346. -- Combined table and chart 347 and 349. --Conclusions: wage-labour 348, 351, productivity of labour 351-353, incomes 355. -- The petty-bourgeois structure of handicraftindustries 355. V. Capitalist Simple Co-operatio.Rudnev, lo

  • File Name: DCR99tc(OLD).html
    Modified: 20 August 2002
    Title: The Development of Capitalism in Russia
  • 1 occurence(s) of the search term differences
  • 6 occurence(s) of the search term european
  • 30 occurence(s) of the search term labour
  • 1 occurence(s) of the search term movement Description:
    Kharizomenov's opinion 431-432. -- Non-agricultural centres432-434. -- The transitional character of manufacture 434-435. -- The raising of the cultural level of the population 434-435. V. The Economic Structure of Manufacture  .   .   .   .   .   .   . 435   The circumstances of production 435-436. -- How M.-- DJR] C O N T E N T S [Part 1 -- Prefaces and Chapter I (136k)]   Preface to the First Edition .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .  25 Preface to the Second Edition   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .  31  Chapter I.  T h e   T h e o r e t i c a l   M i s t a k e s   o f   t h e            N a r o d n i k   E c o n o m i s t s .  .   .   .   .   .   .   . 37 I. The Social Division of labour .  .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   . 37     The increase in the number of industries 37-38. -- The creation of a home market as a result of the social division of labour 38. -- The manifestation of this process in agriculture 38-39. -- The views of the Narodnik economists 39. II.  The Growth of the Industrial Population at the Expense of the Agricultural .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   . 40   The necessary connection between this phenomenon and the very na-ture of commodity and capitalist economy 40-41. III. The Ruin of the Small Producers .  .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   . 41   The mistaken view of the Narodniks 41. -- The view of the author of Capital on this subject 42. IV.  The Narodnik Theory of the Impossibility of Realising Surplus-Value   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   . 43   The substance of the theory of Messr.Orlov's Directory 461-462. -- The Collections of the Department of Commerce and Manufactures 463-464. -- The Returns for Russia for 1884-85 ; M

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