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Terms: subjectivism

234 File(s) Searched 22 Match(es) Found

Match(es) 21 to 22

  • File Name: TPC57.html
    Modified: 20 August 2002
    Title: Talks at a Conference of Party Committee Secretaries
  • 4 Occurence(s) of the search term subjectivismDescription:
    Differences of opinion constantly occur inside the Party; no sooner has unanimity been reached than new differences arise within a month or two.     With respect to the way people think, subjectivism and seeking truth from the facts are opposed to each other. I believe there will always be subjectivism

  • File Name: YL53.html
    Modified: 20 August 2002
    Title: Take the Characteristics of Youth Into Consideration
  • 2 Occurence(s) of the search term subjectivismDescription:
    We are always against fighting a battle without being prepared and being sure of victory, or fighting a battle when prepared but not sure of victory. In the days when we fought Chiang Kai-shek, some people erred on the side of subjectivism at the outset, but later when this subjectivism was overcome through rectification, we emerged the victors. We are now engaged in the battle for socialism, fighting to accomplish socialist industrialization and the socialist transformation of agriculture, handicrafts and capitalist industry and commerce

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