page 249



Accumulation funds, 52, 87-8, 179, 180
Administrative centralisation, 23, 26,
 85, 92; in planned economies, 31, 176-
 7; quality and quantity control in, 93
Administrative management, bureaucrati-
 sation of, 83, 86, 90-2; and economic
 subjects, 74, 83, 85; role of, 86
Administrative share-out, 56-7, 60
Administrative subordination, 82, 85,
Agricultural cadres, 78
Agriculture, and economic subject, 73-4,
 75; industrial products consumed by,
 48-9; and nationalisation of land, 46;
 new techniques in, 51; planning in com-
 munes, 78-9; transition period in,
 123-4; vertical integration in, 66-7;
 working groups in, 76-8; see also Col-
 lective-farm sector
Alienation, 155, 156
Althusser, Louis, 13, 14-15, 144, 155,
Anti-Dühring (Engels), 33, 34, 43, 48,
Appropriation, formal and real mode of,
 24, 25-6, 29, 127-8, 134, 225-6;
 homology of forms of, 25-6; and level
 of productive forces, 152-3
Authority, and effective capacity, 45
Automation, 54, 70, 174, 176

Bachurin, A., 210
Balibar, Etienne, 15, 24, 25, 28, 226
Banking system, and centralised allot-
 ments, 58-9; funds for investments of,
 102; of state, 32, 88
Berri, L., 49-50
Bettelheim, C., 180
Böhm-Bawerk, 151
Bolshevik Party, Ninth Congress 1920,
Bonuses, 97, 101
Bottigelli, E., 155, 163
Brody, Andras, 202, 212-13
Bukharin, Nikolai, 31, 111, 125-6,
 132, 150, 172

Bulgaria, 201
Bunich, P., 238
Bureaucratic domination, bureaucratisa-
 tion, 62-3, 64, 82; in administrative
 hierarchy, 90-1; and economic subjects,
 74, 83, 117
Business accounting, 100, 115-16,
 137, 174, 186; see also Calculation,
Buying and selling, 110; central office
 for, 57-8, 64; contracts for, 86-7;
 joint services for, 69; of means of pro-
 duction, 174; planned obligations in, 56-
 60; in state sector, 133

Calculation, economic, 77, 80, 186-9
 passim, 212, 225, 229-30, 232-4;
 electronic, 64, see also Electronic tools;
 internal, 79; requirements of, 38, 57,
 62; strategic, 229, 243
Capacity, effective, to account and allot,
 127-8, 129-30, 168-9; and authori-
 ty, 45; to dispose of means of produc-
 tion, 45, 130, 140; of economic sub-
 ject, 75
Capital (Marx), 14, 151, 160, 163-4,
 224; on price-systems, 195, 208,
 211-12, 214-15, 218, 220, 223,
 231, 236
Capitalism, capitalist modes of produc-
 tion, 14-15; British, 15; calculation
 techniques in, 231; contradictions of,
 164-5; dissolution of, 20-1; fragmen-
 tation under, I35; horizontal concentra-
 tion in, 65; labour-process in, 217-
 18; price system of, 195-6, 201, 211,
 213, 240, 243; social forms of owner-
 ship in, 43, 52, 164; in socialist
 structures, 17; theoretical foundations
 of, 151, 212; transition to, 15, 24-5;
 vertical integration in, 66-70
Capitalist property, 163-4
Centralisation, functional and bureaucrat-
 ic, 64-5
Centralised allotments, 56-60, 62, 106,


page 250

Centralised economic management, 60-5,
 134; of oil refineries and railways, 61,
 73; of power sutions, 61, 73, 75
Chemical industry, integration in, 68-9
China, agricultural reform in, 29; devel-
 opment of co-operatives in, 52; indiv-
 idual production in, 131; people's com-
 munes in, 53, 78-9, 95; planned econ-
 omy of, 32; state capitalism in, 52
Chou Ti-chin, 79
Chronological gap, 25
Class coalitions, 22
Collective-farm sector, 35-6, 39-40;
 direct planning in, 46; economic levers
 in, 46-7; and level of productive forces,
 128-9; and local markets, 131; means
 of production of, 108-9; mergers in,
 53; prices of, 235; transition to public
 property of, 132; work brigades in,
Collective ownership, 166-7
Collectivisation, 35-6, 46, 51
Comecon, 201
Commodity categories and commodity
 production, 28, 32-3, 34-6, 87, 221,
 227; conditions for disappearance of,
 39-40, 45, 47, 57, 60-3, 65, 70-1,
 132; disappearance of, 44, 84, 110,
 120, 134-5, 172-5; and freedom of
 manoeuvre, 136-7; reasons for, 41-2,
 178; within state sector, 36-42, 55-6,
 59, 104, 107, 109-10, 130, 135-8,
 175-6; and technico-economic integra-
 tion, 176
Communist Manifesto, 159
Compartmentalisation, 92, 114
Conditions for new modes of production,
Conformity, lack of, 23; see also Non-
Conjunctures, structure of, 21
Constitution, theory of, 19-20
Consumer goods, 175, 177, 182; as com-
 modity categories, 37-8; profitability
 standard of, 193
Consumption, 117-18
Consumption funds, 179, 202
Contractual relations, 86-8, 105-6,
Contradictions, 23, 25; analysis of, 149-
 50, 152, 160-1; capitalist and social-
 ist, 164-5; between co-operatives and
 state organs, 54; between interest of
 economic subjects and collective inter-
 est, 97-8; in Marxist dialectics, 145-
 6; and non-correspondence, 26; in plan-
 ning targets, 100; principal, 144-50,

 between productive forces and organisa-
 tional forms, 126
Co-operative contracts, 88
Co-operative production, 50, 51, 53
Co-operation, 28, 36, 66, 67
Costs, of production, see Production costs;
 of reverse linkage, 222-3, 231, 234;
 social, see Social costs
Credit-appropriation system, 58, 59-60
Credit contracts, 87-8
Critique of the Gotha Programme (Marx),
 32-3, 38, 47, 137, 159, 239
Csikos-Nagy, 41, 208-10
Cuba, 19, 29, 168; administrative share-
 out in, 60; agricultural cadres in, 78;
 agricultural reform in, 131, 172; con-
 ditions for socialist revolution in, 153;
 'Consolidados' in, 63, 129; National Sug-
 ar Commission, 113; transition phases
 in, 131, 171
'Cultured capitalists', 170
Curreney tokens, 62, 112
Czechoslovakia, 32, 61, 202, 209
Dantzig, G. B., 233
Decision-making centre, 55
Decisions, 73, 75-6; economic, 81-2,
 107-8, 230, 242; macro and micro,
 105, 108; nature of, 88-90; and prices,
 187; teehnical, 81, 89-90, 107; work-
 ing-out of, 84
Demand and supply, 59, 136
Directors, 118, 128
Disposal and control, rights of, 54
Distribution, of labour, 173; of means of
 production, 174; organisation of, 137-
 8, 142
Division of labour, and economic subject,
 74; technical, 55, 81
Dumont, Rene, 115
Economic autonomy, disappearance of, 61;
 of economic subjects, see Economic sub-
 jects; of production-units, see Produc-
 tion-units, relative autonomy of
'Economic levers', 46-7, 84-5
Economic hierarchy, 82-3, 89-90; types
 of, 90-4
Economic laws, and productive forces,
 138; and socialism, 125-6, 132, 133,
Economic management, see Centralised
 economic management
Economico-juridical subjects, contractual
 relations of, 86-8; hierarchy of, 75;
 loss of autonomy of, 90-1


page 251

Economic and Philosophical Manuscripts
 (Marx), 154-7, 163
Economic Problems of Socialism in the
(Stalin), 34-5, 37-8, 107,
 108, 126, 133, 138, 189
Economic structures, 16-18
Economic subjects, 64, 69, 107, 224;
 autonomy of, 97-8, 102, 104, 105,
 107-8, 110; and contractual relations,
 105-6; detemmination of, 72-6, 80;
 and economic decisions, 81-2, 230,
 242; internal structure of, 72, 76-82;
 investment funds of, 101-2; and jurid-
 ical subject, 71-2, 74-5, 93; objec-
 tive conditions for single subject, 62-4,
 134; and planning, 83-5, 93-107; re-
 duction of, 97, 107; subordination and
 hierarchy of, 82-6, 178-9
Economic surplus, 52
Economism, 227
Economy of the Transition Period, The
 (Bukharin), 31
Education, role of, 122
Electronic tools, 64, 70, 116-17, 135,
 142, 176, 203, 233, 242-3
Emmanuel, A., 194
Empiricism, 143, 147-9 passim; and
 theory, 21O-11, 214; and value prob-
 lem, 216-18
Enclosure acts, 19
Engels, Friedrich, 151, 153, 229; on
 commodity production, 34-5, 42, 43,
 234-5; criticism of Erfurt Programme,
 165; Elberfeld speech, 32; on Marxism
 as ethics, 155-6; on productive forces,
 47-8, 122; on state ownership, 43,
Equilibrium rate of growth, 213
Exchange, freedom of, 130-1, 141; or-
 ganisation of, 130-7; and socialist pro-
 duction, 132-7; see also Market mech-
Exploitation, systems of, 21
Feudal mode of production, 15, 24
Feuerbach, Ludwig, 155, 156
Forecasts, and production targets, 104-
 5, 108, 110, 176; see also Social fore-
 casting Foreign trade, and commodity
 production, 35, 37, 142
France, 69
Freedom of manoeuvre, see Economic au-
Fuel and power sector, new prices for,
 237-8; profitability rates in, 199-
Full employment, 52

Ganczer, S., 201
German Democratic Republic, 61, 194,
Germany, 68
Godelier, Maurice, 239
Growth rates, 238-9
Guevara, 'Che', 153, 160
Hegel, Georg W. E., 156, 158
Horizontal concentration, 65
Humanism, 154-6
Hungary, 61; National Prices Office, 190;
 price calculations in, 188, 191, 192,
 201-4, 209
India, 22
Indonesia, 22
Industrial enterprises, integration of, 67,
 68-9; production of consumer goods by,
 175-6, 182; socialisation of, 170
The Industrial Revolution, 25
Industry, economic subject in, 73; light,
 194, 199-200; large-scale, 25; opti-
 mum size of working groups in, 77;
 organisation of, 181; profitability of,
 199; and value form, 241
Information, selection of, 92; transmis-
 sion of, 73, 75, 80-1
Innovations, 103, 205; see also Products,
Introduction to a Critique of Political
(Marx), 144
Integration, economic, 113-14, 176-7;
 forms of, 65-71, 133; technical, 73,
Investments, investment funds, 179, 198,
 207-8; depreciation of, 203, 236;
 planning of, 84, 175, 242; rate of pro-
 fit for, 197-8, 200, 202-4; without
 security, 101-3; unequal intensity of,
 200; waste of, 198, 207
Ivanov, 41
Joint-stock companies, 120, 164-5
Joshua, Isy, 183
Juridical concepts, 133-4, 166, 169-70
Juridical powers, 109-10, 128-9
Juridical subject, 63, 69-70; and eco-
 nomic subject, 71-2, 74-5, 128; see
Economico-juridical subject
Kautsky, Karl, 165
Khozraschet, 187
Khrushchev, Nikita, 79-80
Kronstadt revolt, 23


page 252

Labour, labour-time, actually expended,
 215-17 passim; calculation of, 62,
 177; concrete, 217, 224-5; economic,
 217; internal organisation of, 76; pay-
 ment for, 177; socialisation of, 48-9,
 50, 138; socially necessary, 135, 172-
 3, 177, 189-90, 201, 215-16, 225;
 subjection to capital of, 25, 218; and
 value, 209, 210, 213, 216-17, 241
Labour contracts, 87
Labour-process, 239-40; integration of,
 232; structure of, 217
Labour-saving, 202, 207, 217, 219;
 minimum rate of, 196; principle of,
 222, 230
L'alliance de la classe ouvrière et de la
(Lenin), 35
Land, nationalisation of, 46
Lange, Oskar, 100, 106, 127
Law of value, 37, 39, 40, 100; and soc-
 ialist society, 126, 127, 136, 196
'Left-wing' childishness and petty-bourgeois
(Lenin), 44-5, 127, 169
Leisure, 118
Lenin, Vladimir Ilyich, 19, 23, 26; and
 Bukharin, 31, 111, 125; on commodity
 exchange, 35; on co-operation, 36; on
 economic systems in Russia, 17; on free
 exchange, 131, 141; on Hegel, 158; on
 industrial organisation, 181; and Left-
 wing Communism, 44-5, 159; on Marx-
 ist analysis, 148; on monopoly capital-
 ism, 165-6; on socialisation, 44-5,
 127-8, 169-70; on socialist and pri-
 vate sectors, 123; on state bank, 88; on
 transitional stages, 171
Leninism, 151
Leontief's table of matrix relations, 212
Liberman, 97, 100, 197-8
Lisichkin, 210
Liu Jo-chin, 78-9
Luxemburg, Rosa, 125, 139
McAuley, A. N. D., 239
Management, quality of, 187-8; reform
 of, 200, 207
Management centres, 64
Management councils, 54
Mandel, Ernest, 143, 146-7, 149-50,
 153, 157-9 passim, 163, 165-6,
 168, 172-3
Manufacture, 24
Mao Tse-tung, 126, 146
Marginal utility, 209, 210
Market mechanism, 23,26; and planning,
 94, 173-4; and prices, 182-3, 204,
 209-10, 214; in socialist economies,

 27, 60, 130, 135, 178, 227, 229,
Marx, Karl, 22, 41, 108, 151, 153,
 158; analysis of value and prices, 213-
 14, 217, 218, 220-3, 231, 236-7;
 analytical method of, 152; on bourgeoi-
 sie, 159; on commodity production, 32-
 3, 38, 42; on distribution, 137; early
 humanism of, 154-7; on forms of own-
 ership, 164-6; formulation of planned
 economies, 34; on labour-process, 239-
 40, 241; on modes of appropriation, 24,
 25; on modes of production, 15, 16, 19;
 and problems of transition, 14-15, 144,
 and social forms of production, 122,
Marxism, 212; distortion of, 143, 147
Marxist dialectics, abstract and concrete
 in, 144, 146-50, 159; and analysis of
 contradictions, 145-50; and ideology,
 154-7; and price policies, 211; and
 social practice, 150-2
Material incentives, 138, 197; fund for,
Matrix calculation, 212, 233
Means of production, as commodities, 37,
 172-3; common or state ownership of,
 32-3, 34-5, 36, 43-4, 48, 50, 53,
 133, 166-7, 228; distribution of, 174;
 effective capacity to dispose of, 45, 130,
 140; levels and forms of ownership of,
 50-5; private ownership of, 163-4;
 right to productive use of, 109;
 socialisation of, 70, 122, 166, 170;
 social origin of, 48-9; and the worker,
Mediations, 23, 26, 178; forms of, 29
Mergers, in capitalist economies, 113,
 114; of co-operative units, 53
Modes of production, 14; concepts and
 reality of, 15, 17-18; conditions for
 new, 19-21; dominant, 16-18, 20;
 fundamental contradiction in, 153;
 'impurities' or 'residues' in, 15-16;
 interaction of, 16-17; in world econo-
 my, 18
Money, 130; role of, in socialist state
 sector, 58, 104, 110, 136, 174
Muratov, D., 77
National economies, 18, 20
Nationalisation, see Statisation
National planning centre, 84, 85
Nemchinov, 102, 197-8, 236
Neo-colonialism, 13, 29
N.E.P., 26-8 passim, 145, 186


page 253

'Net income' of production, 190, 191,
 193; see also Profitability standard
New techniques, rapid introduction of,
Non-correspondence, between juridical
 relations and production-relations, 91;
 between property forms and content,
 54; between property relations and
 relations of appropriation, 225-6,
 228; in transition phase, 24-7, 29,
Novozhilov, 195, 197-8, 231, 237
Obligatory 'indices', 31
October Revolution, 18, 22, 46, 148
Orders, 89-90; subordination to, 85;
 transmission of, 73
Origins, theory of, 21
Planned economies, commodity produc-
 tion in, 37-42; freedom of manoeuvre
 in, 136; and market economies, 183;
 organisation of, 31-2; organisational
 changes in, 33-4; planning authorities
 in, 83-4
Planning, 45, 55, 84; capitalist, 165-6;
 consultation and participation in, 951;
 contradictions in, 100; and distribution
 of means of production, 173-4; and
 electronic tools, 142; and integration,
 70, 133; internal technical, 69; Liber-
 man's proposals for, 100-1; and mark-
 et mechanism, 94, 173-4, 240; prob-
 lems of, 94-107; socialist economic,
 133-4, 179; in transitional econo-
 mies, 224-5, 232-3
Planning authorities, 83-5; and produc-
 tion targets, 104-5
Plans, annual character of,103; degree
 of exactness of, 98-9; draft, 96, 97-
 8, 104; realisation of, 46, 105-7; role
 of economic subjects in regard to, 94-
 8; structure of, 34; surpassing of, 97;
 targets of, 89, 99, 175, 178, 187;
 working-out of, 84, 95, 167-8, 230
Poland, 61, 194, 202
Political economy, disappearance of,
 125-6; of socialism, 151, 152; see
Economic laws
Political subordination, 82, 86; and eco-
 nomics, 140-1, 226; see also Transi-
 tional economies
Political superstructures, 26
Polls, statistical, 105
Post-colonial economies, 13-14, 21-2,
 29; transition features in, 27-8
Practical concepts, 13-14

Practice, contradictions of, 152-4; fac-
 tors of, 150-2, 160; and theory, 210
Praxis, 156, 157
Price-fixing, 204-6, 209
Price-mechanism, 59, 61, 136, 177,
 182; see also Market mechanism
Price policy, 99-101 passim, 221,
Price of production, 195-201, 202, 213
Prices, based on labour value, 212-13;
 based on 'prices of production', 195-
 201, 237; based on world prices, 201-
 2; debate on, 188-202, 206, 208-9;
 dual or political, 230-1, 243; and eco-
 nomic calculation, 186-8; economically
 significant, 85; imaginary, 220-1,
 222, 228, 233; and own costs, 191-4,
 237; planned variation of, 222, 240-1;
 problems of, 184-5; role of, 184; in
 state sector, 235; and values, 177,
 190-1, 202, 209, 218, 220
Price-systems, divergencies in, 193, 199
 200, 206-7; and economic calculations,
 186-9; exceptions in, 189-90, 221;
 intervention in, from political level,
 242; mathematical methods for, 188-9;
 and planned targets, 228, 230; propo-
 sals for, 189-202; reforms of, 194,
 199-201, 206-7, 235-6; simplifica-
 tion of, 188; in Soviet Union, 186-8,
 199, 201, 209-10; structure of, 186;
 theories and concepts about, 210-14,
 218-19, 228; in transitional economies
 219, 220, 223-7, 228-9, 233-4;
 and 'two-channel prices', 202-4, 234
Private ownership, 114, 163-4, 167;
 and productive forces, 25; in transition
 to collective forms, 52
Private production, and commodity pro-
 duction, 36; and dictatorship of prole-
 tariat, 123; integration of, 70
Producer co-operatives, 36, 87, 118,
 135, 137
Production, productlon processes, cen-
 tralised management of, 60-5; co-op-
 erative, 50, 51; division of, 39-40;
 individual, 130-1; integration of, 134-
 5; interdependence of, 133; socialisa-
 tion of, 48-9, 132-7; targets, 84,
Production costs, 186-7, 188; and
 prices, 191-2, 193, 197, 204,
 237; unevenness of, 200, 205, 236
Production funds, see Investment funds
Production-relations, 54, 133-4, 139-
 40; and commodity relations, 137; 'ex-
 plicit model' of, 178-9; and juridical
 relations, 91; nature of, 127; and


page 254

Production-relations -- cont.
 213; and productive forces, see Pro-
 ductive forces; and property, 127-30;
 social form of, 45; in state sector, 55-
 71; in transitional economy, 225,
Production-units, under bureaucratic
 authority, 63; and centralisation, 64;
 and centralised allotment, 57-8; com-
 partmentalisation between, 92; deci-
 sions by, 31, 90; disappearing autono-
 my of, 61; and effective capacity, 129;
 interlinked or integrated, 61, 66-9,
 90, 133, 173-4, 176; relative auto-
 nomy of, 55, 56, 58, 60, 136-7, 178,
  237; role of, 33; self-financing, 137;
  specialisation and regrouping of, 51, 55,
 65; and worker participation, 118-19
Productive forces, degree of socialisation
 of, 50-5, 84, 96, 107, 122-3; level
 of development of, 41, 47, 65, 70, 81,
 107-8, 127, 137-8, 152, 168-9,
 227; and production-relations, 47, 124,
 146-8, 152-3, 171-2, 219, 226;
 social domination, socialisation of, 45-6,
 47, 48, 63, 69-70, 117-18, 128-9;
 social nature of, 47-50; underdeveloped,
Productive use, right to, 109
Products, administrative share-out of,
 56-7; circulation of, 62,86-7, 107;
 as commodities, 213; and labour, 173;
 new, 99, 101, 186, 205; social destina-
 tion of, 48, 49-50, 55, 81, 87; stan-
 dardisation of, 176
Profit, average rate of, 196-7, 213
Profitability, profit margin, 102, 186-8
 passim, 192, 194, 198, 232, 243;
 rates of, 197, 199-200, 203-4, 237;
 standard of, 191, 193, 200
Programming calculations, linear and
 non-linear, 233, 242-3
Proletarian revolution, see Socialist
Proletariat, dictatorship of, 43, 123-4
Property forms, 34-7, 41, 163-4; adap-
 tation of, 47-55; co-operative and pub-
 lic, 53, 133; and production-relations,
 127-30; state socialist, 129, 134
Qualitative standards, 103-4
Quality control, 58, 93, 98; neglect of,
 103; and prices, 205-6
Quantitative indices, 103-4
Rabitzky, B., 210
Raw materials, supply of, 175

'Regulated costs', 186
'Regulating magnitudes', 219-22 passim,  228
Regulations, 85, 89; breach of, 91
'Revolutionary consciousness', 154,
Romania, 194
Semi-finished goods, supply of, 175
Shoruges, 56, 83, 106
Shvikov, Y., 49-50
Simulation techniques, 80, 116-17
Single state trust, 31, 132
Sitnin, V., 193
Social costs, measurement of, 214-15;
 and prices, 195-6, 198, 200, 202,
 204, 206, 229
'Social-economic centre', 40-2, 71, 132
Social forecasting, 55, 60, 63, 89, 173-
 4, 176
Socialisation, of means of production, see
 Means of production; of productive
 forces, see Productive forces; and social
 ownership, 132; and statisation, 44-7,
Socialism, socialist modes of production,
 contradictions within, 165; and econom-
 ic laws, 125-6; integration in, 70;
 political economy of, 151, 152; possi-
 bility and reality in, 167-9; problems
 of, 28-9; social practice in building of,
 151; transition to, 20-1, 251 ; in
 under-developed countries, 153
Socialist economies, 33-4
Socialist revolution, and principal con-
 tradiction, 146-7; theory of, 151;
 transformation through, 154, 157-8
Socialist sector, organisation of, 124-30;
 and private sector, 123
Socialist trade, 136
Social needs, distribution in proportion
 to, 138; estimation of, 40-1, 61-2, 70,
 84, 108, 117-18, 135-6, 173, 175,
 177; satisfaction of, 195
Social ownership, lower levels of, 50;
 political and economic criteria for,
 50-1; and socialisation, 132
Social relations, non-correspondence
 between, 223; and productive forces,
Social utility, 177
Soviet firms or enterprises, 112-13,
Soviet Union, agricultural cadres in, 78;
 collectivisation of agriculture in, 29,
 75, 76; 'combines' in, 66, 67; develop-
 ment of socialist sector in, 124-5;
 Five Year plans, 46, 176, 180, 186;


page 255

Soviet Union -- cont.
 mergers of collective and state farms
 in, 53; nationalisation of land in, 46;
 payment in sute farms of, 79; planned
 economy of, 32, 95-6; postponement
 of price reform in, 185, 193; power
 station networks in, 61; price-system
 of, see Price-systems; Soviet trusts,
 64; work brigades in, 76-7
Sovnarkhozy, 85, 98, 101, 119, 129
Specialisation, 65
Stalin, Joseph, 71, 107-9 passim, 186;
 on commodity production, 34-5, 37-8,
 39, 132-3, 141-2; on economic laws,
 126, 138; on social contradictions,
State banking, 32, 88
State capitalism, 26, 29, 164-6 passim,
 170, 220, 243
State farms, 53, 77, 79, 105
State intervention, 28; see also Transi-
 tional economies
State ownership, 128, 133, 166, 224;
 and economic subject, 72, 178-9; im-
 plications of, 43-4, 53, 109; as juri-
 dical framework, 47, 51
State power, 179; disappearance of, 43-
 4, 47
State sector, 39-40; diversity of produc-
 tion units in, 41-2, 46, 62; juridical
 powers of, 109; and price-system, 186;
 trading organs within, 106
Statisation, and efficiency, 140-1; and
 socialisation, 44-7, 169
Stocks, 106
Strumilin, 190
'Subjectivism', 189, 206
Supplier and user, direct links between,
Sur la 'moyenne ideale' et les formes de
(Althusser), 14
Survivals, 15-16, 53, 87, 109-10,
Targets, 99; planning, see Plans; for
 production, 84, 104-5; quantitative,
Taxes and tax rates, 187, 201, 203,
Tax in kind, 35, 123
Technical departments, transformation
 into, 97, 107, 117
Terminology, 19-24
Theory, and technical practice, 210-11
Trade, see Foreign trade; Socialist trade

Trading co-operatives, 36
Trading organs, 106, 182
Transition, abstract and concrete con-
 cepts of, 144, 147-8; forms of, 13-14,
 21-2, 221; ideal and historical, 20;
 from the potential to the real, 167-9;
 problems of, 22, 27, 166, 168-72;
 theory of, 14-19, 21, 22, 160-1
Transitional economies, commodity char-
 acter of, 224-5; concepts of, 224-5
 forms of non-correspondence in, 223-
 4, 225-6, 228, 232; intervention of
 political and ideological levels in, 226,
 229; and price-systems, 219, 220,
 223-7, 228-9, 233-4
Transition phases, 22-3; fundamental
 feature of, 24-8, 152; prolonged, 153;
 stages in, 23-4
Tsagolov, 190
'Two-channel prices', 202-4
USA, 68
USSR Academy of Sciences, 190
USSR Central Statistical Office, 198
USSR Institute of Mathematics Applied
 to the Economy, 236
Value, labour theory of, 209, 210, 213,
 216-17, 220, 241; and prices, 177,
 190-1, 202, 218, 221; see also Law
 of value
Vertical integration, 65-71, 82
Vietnam, Democradc Republic of, 32
Vlahov, Ivan, 112
Von Neumann, 213
Wages, 137-8, 202-3
Welfare economics, 239
Wolfe, P., 233
Working groups, and decisions, 89-90,
 107-8; and economic subject, 81;
 hierarchy in, 82,84; and internal eco-
 nomic calculation, 79; internal struc-
 turing of, 76; optimum size of, 77-9;
 payment of, 80; social personality of,
 76, 80, 115; in Soviet agriculture,
 76-7, 115
World production-relations, and national
 economies, 20; transition period in,
Yugoslavia, 27, 54, 219-20